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Pantheon Entrance

Painting the Pantheon entrance

There are a number of ways that you can paint your model. This guide shows you the techniques that we used to paint the Pantheon Entrance. The same techniques can be applied to the rest of the Fortress/Pantheon series. These are the items you will need:

  • TEXTURED PAINT: Used to achieve a sandy/rough concrete effect. We used white Dulux Sandswept. However, if you don't want to use textured paint, you could mix sand into watered down PVA.

  • MATT-BLACK SPRAY PAINT: Any brand of enamel will work fine. We got ours from a discount store.

  • ACRYLIC PAINTS: Although any brand will work, we used Citadel paints because of their large range of natural colors. The following Citadel colors were used to paint the Pantheon Entrance: Codex grey, Fortress grey, Bleached bone and Skull white.

  • ARTISTS BRUSHES: Small and large.




1. Ensure that all parts are glued together before painting.
2. Apply the textured paint (or Sand-PVA mixture) to the entire model.
3. Spray the entire model Matt-Black. Do this in a well ventilated area. Allow to dry.
4. Drybrush the model Codex Grey. Normally 2 to 3 coats of Codex Grey is enough to be effective.
5. Drybrush again 2 to 3 coats of Fortress Grey.

6. Apply a light drybrush of Bleached bone to simulate dusty areas on the model.

7. Carefully highlight the edges with skull white .
8. Apply any additional effects such as weathered effects and/or moss.


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