We aim to have your order packaged and ready for shipping within two business days from the time the order was placed. The shipping couriers will then pick it up the following business day.
Customs duties & taxes
Your shipment may be subject to customs duties & taxes depending on the rules of your country. Commercial items listed 'MDF Model Kits' from Australia would be classed differently from the more well known category of 'electronic equipment' imported from Hong Kong. Whether you are charged duties or taxes may be left to the discretion of the customs officer. Hundreds of parcels enter a country per day and not all of them can be closely examined by customs. You may receive many international parcels unhindered by customs until that day when you get a surprise letter saying that your parcel will be withheld until you pay some fees. We have not yet received any complaints about unexpected or unreasonable customs duties & taxes.Lost Parcels
Parcels that have not arrived within 4 weeks are considered delayed and a wait of up to 12 weeks will be required before we consider it lost. We will bare the financial risk of lost parcels and provide a full refund if this event arises. It is therefore in our interest to do the best we can to ensure that your parcel is packed properly for easy and swift passage through the postal system.
We take great pride in our high standards of workmanship and service. If you are not satisfied with our product in any way then get in contact with may return it to us along with your email address to receive a refund on the amount paid less postage & handling less transaction fees.
In such an instance, you will be notified of your credit or the amount refunded via email.