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Troop Lander

Painting the Troop Lander

There are a number of ways that you can paint your model. This guide shows you the techniques that we used to paint the Troop Lander. These are the items you will need:

  • ACRYLIC PAINTS: Although any brand will work, we used Citadel paints because of their large range of natural colors. The following Citadel colors were used to paint the Troop Lander: Scab red, Blood red, Chaos Black, Codex grey, Bubonic Brown.

    MATT-BLACK SPRAY PAINT: Any brand of enamel will work fine. Tip: Discount Stores are a good place to obtain them. Do not use gloss-black.

  • ARTISTS BRUSHES: Small and medium round brushes.
1. Ensure that all parts are glued together before painting.
2. Spray the entire model Matt-Black. Do this in a well ventilated area. Allow to dry.

3. Paint the inside plates and top hatch Scab Red (dark red).

4. Apply Blood Red (bright red) to highlight the edges as shown above (including gun-hatch). This stage may look a little messy.
5. Use Scab Red (dark red) to blend the Blood Red (bright red) towards the dark areas. Be careful not to completely cover the black.

7. Apply a heavy dabbing of Codex grey (medium Grey) to the areas shown - also, the plate underneath the gun-hatch.

9. Add any additional effects such as rivets and hazard stripes.
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